Whitestone has employed five dust monitors and one weather station to conduct fugitive dust monitoring services during earthwork at a proposed residential development in South Florida. Site Investigation identified arsenic impacts in the top six inches of soil across the site, and the FDEP approved Soil Management Plan (SMP) required fugitive dust emission monitoring and reporting during earthwork.
Whitestone conducted environmental and geotechnical due diligence investigations and provided permitting assistance services in support of the mixed-use redevelopment of this 24-acre former industrial property in Newington, CT.
Whitestone’s Licensed Environmental Professionals managed soil characterization, underground storage tank closure, and excess soil/fill management efforts in support of the mixed-use redevelopment of this former manufacturing/retail property in Mansfield, CT.
Whitestone provided geotechnical investigation and engineering services for a proposed 14-acre retail development in Babcock Ranch, Florida. Babcock Ranch is a solar-powered, sustainable community located approximately 12 miles inland from Fort Myers in southwestern Florida situated on approximately 18,000 acres adjacent to the Babcock Ranch Preserve wilderness preserve.
Whitestone has provided construction-phase consulting and third-party inspection services in support of a building expansion project for a non-profit organization in Brooklyn, New York. Whitestone conducted a pre-construction survey of the historic and residential buildings surrounding the project, and Whitestone’s vibration monitoring and survey point monitoring program during initial excavation activities aided in assessing and minimizing potential impacts on adjacent structures. Whitestone also conducted third-party special inspections for the remaining phases of construction.
Whitestone provided geotechnical engineering services in support of the Kushner Companies 265-unit luxury apartment complex in East Hanover, New Jersey
Whitestone conducted environmental, geotechnical, and ecological due diligence investigations for this large central Florida parcel proposed for mixed-density residential and commercial development. The agricultural site presents significant development challenges including soil impacts from historic pesticide and herbicide use, the presence of manmade and natural wetlands, and an area that had been filled with undocumented, non-native material.
Whitestone provided environmental, geotechnical, and inspection services on this project from preliminary due diligence phases through construction and project close out for the construction of a nine-story mixed use residential and retail building with a single level below-grade parking garage.